
“My husband and I were not seeing eye to eye and we were not understanding each other for too long. I was having trouble with other rela4onships as well and didn’t feel good about myself. There was little joy in my life, and I desperately wanted to turn things around. I was longing for some sunshine and to feel cherished and loved. I knew that I had to make some big changes. I had gone to therapy but hadn’t seen much of a change. I was looking for a positive approach and decided to look into coaching. In my search, I came across Laura Doyle. I look at this as a miracle.

Then I started private coaching with Joanna, I looked forward to my sessions with Joanna every time! Joanna’s way of being, gentleness, care, understanding, and warmth gave me a safe space to share my challenges. With Joanna’s wisdom and insights, she guided me through the skills one by one. I saw a change in all my relationships almost immediately. Joanna coached me gently with her warm smile and helped me to uncover blind spots. She was there for me. I felt understood and not judged. Joanna’s encouragement and belief in me as she stood for my marriage and relationships, gave me the courage to keep implementing the skills and have hope for a brighter future. I felt so much better after each session and was able to see the magic in the skills.

Through the coaching from Joanna, I learned to implement the skills and I saw an immediate change in all my relationships!! It was the first 4me that I saw a change in myself and in my relationships, even after years of going to therapy. I highly recommend private coaching with Joanna. I am a much happier and more fulfilled person than I ever was before and most importantly, my marriage has completely turned around for the better.”

~Y.W. Age 52, Married for 33 years, Virtual Session Client

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