
“When I started my coaching sessions with Joanna, I was at a crossroads with my fiancé. At the time, we’d been together for about 4 years and engaged for 2.5 years. I was on the fence with my fiancé about moving ahead with our relationship due to some of the choices he’s been making that were affecting me greatly and I did not see the way forward.

I had a chance to hear Joanna coaching in a group and I really felt like she was speaking to me. I felt like she really saw me and what I was struggling with. I just felt she knew how to address my issues and challenges, so I sought private coaching with her.

From our first session together, I felt heard and listened to. She made me feel safe to share what I was facing and struggling with. I loved her very gentle, caring, but also firm approach when I would go on into focusing on what I couldn’t control, and she would gently bring me back to my paper, help me shift my perspective, and shift the way I saw my situation.

There are so many benefits to receiving private coaching! I am now able to catch myself when I want to reach for old ways of reaching or approaching the problem in my relationship.  I now focus on the positive and what I have and want—my vision, versus
the current circumstances that might not be how I would want them to be and then shift that perspective within minutes and restore the intimacy with my fiancé -almost instantly!

I would absolutely recommend private coaching! While I was able to learn a lot from books, only when I got private coaching was I able to make a real shift and significant progress.”

-Dina, from Washington D.C., With fiancé 4 years

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