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My Striving to Thriving: An Invitation to Abundant Life

Dear Friend,

Can I share something personal with you? Years ago, I found myself standing in my kitchen, tears streaming down my face, wondering why my Christian life wasn’t working the way it was supposed to. Despite all my Bible knowledge, my graduate studies in Mental Health Counseling, and my desperate attempts to “fix” everything, I felt completely stuck. Maybe you can relate?

I kept falling into the same painful patterns I’d watched play out in my family. You know the ones I mean – where you try so hard to make everything work, but somehow end up feeling more disconnected and frustrated than ever? I thought if I just studied harder, prayed more, or found the right technique, I could figure it out. (Spoiler alert: that approach wasn’t working so well for me!)

Then something happened that changed everything. I discovered the Life Model and experienced coaching for myself. And let me tell you – it was like someone finally turned on the lights! For the first time, I wasn’t just learning about transformation; I was actually experiencing it. Instead of analyzing my past or trying to manage my symptoms, I was learning practical ways to live from my true heart – the one Jesus gave me.

Want to know the most amazing part? Those old patterns of fear and control that had followed me for years? They started dissolving. My relationships began to deepen. My connection with God transformed from dutiful devotion into what I can only describe as a dance of delight. That peace everyone talks about – the kind that “surpasses understanding”? It stopped being just a nice Bible verse and became my daily reality.

Just last month, I faced a big decision that would have normally sent me into a spiral of anxious overthinking. But instead of getting stuck in my head, I naturally stayed centered in God’s presence and turned to my community for support. It wasn’t because I was trying harder – it was because I’d learned how to live differently.

This is why I’m so passionate about coaching. While counseling absolutely has its place (and I respect the important work healthy therapists do!), coaching offers something uniquely powerful. Instead of focusing on problems, we explore possibilities. Rather than staying parked on old hurts, we take practical steps toward your bright future. And instead of fostering dependency, coaching empowers you to create lasting change.

At JoyPath Coaching, I combine brain-based principles with biblical wisdom to help you live from your true heart. I’m not here to fix you (because you’re not broken!) or to teach you more theories (because you probably already know plenty). I’m here to walk alongside you as you discover how to:

  • Stay connected to your true heart, even in challenging moments
  • Build deeper, more authentic relationships
  • Transform your connection with God from performance to delight
  • Create lasting change through practical steps and focused attention
  • Experience the abundant life Jesus promised – not just in theory, but in reality

Here’s what I want you to know: the transformation I’ve experienced isn’t some special exception. It’s available to anyone willing to learn and practice these brain-based, biblically-sound principles for living from the heart Jesus gave us. Yes, it takes courage. Yes, it requires a willingness to try something new. But oh my friend, the joy waiting on the other side is worth every step.

If you’re ready to move beyond just managing life to truly thriving, I’d be honored to walk this path with you. Together, we’ll uncover God’s unique design for your life and relationships, creating lasting transformation that goes far beyond behavior modification to touch the deepest places of your heart.

Your journey to abundant life is waiting to begin. Shall we take that first step together?

With joy and expectation,


P.S. If something in this letter resonated with you – if you felt that little flutter of hope while reading – that’s not an accident. That’s your heart recognizing the possibility of real change. Don’t let that moment pass by. Let’s talk about how we can turn that possibility into your reality.

© 2024 Joanna Hughes/JoyPath. All Rights Reserved

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