Joanna Hughes

Practicing Presence And Sidestepping Unsolicited Advice in JoyPath Groups

Summary: This piece delves into the complexities of interpersonal connections, underscoring the potential pitfalls of well-meaning but unsolicited advice. Although such advice is intended to be helpful, it can often lead to increased stress and negatively impact relationship dynamics. The discussion advocates for a practice of restraint and deep listening to promote the cultivation of

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Testimonial 1

“When I started my coaching sessions with Joanna, I was at a crossroads with my fiancé. At the time, we’d been together for about 4 years and engaged for 2.5 years. I was on the fence with my fiancé about moving ahead with our relationship due to some of the choices he’s been making that

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Testimonial 2

“My husband and I were not seeing eye to eye and we were not understanding each other for too long. I was having trouble with other rela4onships as well and didn’t feel good about myself. There was little joy in my life, and I desperately wanted to turn things around. I was longing for some

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Testimonial 3

“Prior to working with Joanna, I was very lost in life and wasn’t sure where to go or how to get through each day. My husband was telling me he wanted other women in our marriage and he then just left me and the kids. I couldn’t eat sleep or function. I’d say it was

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Testimonial 4

“Before working with Joanna, I was very unhappy and overwhelmed with the state of my marriage (and family life in general). I didn’t want to be married to my husband anymore – and there wasn’t anything I could pinpoint our issues on… except him! I knew that I would not leave because of my own

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